What is quality in PD nursing? Co-developing peritoneal dialysis nursing sensitive indicators
PD nursing sensitive indicators are a way of measuring aspects of patient and family care that are most effected by the actions of the PD nurse, or effect the actions of the PD nurse (redefined based on Heslop et al. 2004, Joint Commission International, 2014; Nakrem et al., 2009). They can refer to the organization and distribution of PD nursing services (structure), interactions between PD nurses, patients and relatives (processes) as well as effects of PD nursing care (outcomes).This list of indicators is a result of international collaboration between a group of experienced nurses from different countries, Baxter and EDTNA/ERCA and focused on defining and identifying indicators relevant for peritoneal dialysis nursing.
It has been translated to numerous languages and will be discussed in detail during the EDTNA congress symposium on the 15th of October 2023 (12:45 – 13:45).
PERITONEAL DIALYSIS NURSING SENSITIVE INDICATORS in English, Czech, Danish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portugese, Spanish
We would like to express our appreciation for the valuable support received from our Industry Partners. Every year the success of the EDTNA/ERCA International Conference would not be possible without their continued support and involvement. Thank you for the collaboration!
Here you will find our Industry Partners who share the objective of EDTNA/ERCA to improve the quality of nephrology care. Their active participation in the Association’s projects and activities is the best evidence of our shared commitment and partnership. We are proud to acknowledge them as Corporate Members of our Association and look forward to a long-lasting collaboration.
Here you will find our Industry Partners who share the objective of EDTNA/ERCA to improve the quality of nephrology care. Their active participation in the Association’s projects and activities is the best evidence of our shared commitment and partnership. We are proud to acknowledge them as Corporate Members of our Association and look forward to a long-lasting collaboration.

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