- E-P 001: Psycho-physical well-being in therapeutic adherence in women with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
- E-P 002: Estimating the prevalence of muscle wasting, weakness and sarcopenia in haemodialysis patients
- E-P 003: The phenomenon of the burnout in nurses working in hemodialysis
- E-P 004: Intradialytic exercise and season variations in haemodialysis patients
- E-P 005: Individualized teaching to the dialysis patient
- E-P 006: Patients self-care as promoter of quality of life: a case study
- E-P 007: Impact of an exercise program on physical and mental health of regular Hemodialysis patients
- E-P 008: Improvement on patient experience and outcome with HDx dialyzer
- E-P 009: Impact of an intradialytic exercise program on body composition, phase angle and functional capacity
- E-P 010: Learning needs analysis: the 3rd survey
- E-P 012: Therapeutic compliance in haemodialysis patients. Can nurses improve it?
- E-P 013: Transition of Care - Quality Improvement Project in A Hospital-Based Dialysis Unit
- E-P 014: Online clearance monitoring (OCM Kt/V) vs. monthly laboratory Kt/V measurement in pediatric hemodialysis patients
- E-P 015: Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Hemodialysis Patients
- E-P 016: Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome in incremental hemodialysis
- E-P 018: The relationship between burnout and organizational commitment among nurses working in nephrology departments
- E-P 020: Brown Tumor as complication of Severe Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Hemodialysis Patients: a Case Report
- E-P 022: Transhepatic catheter access: a case study
- E-P 023: The overhydration status of patients with arteriovenous graft thrombosis
- E-P 024: Physical examination of arteriovenous fistula: how are we doing it and how to improve
- E-P 025: Development of nocturnal guidelines for home haemodialysis by special interest group for home haemodialysis(SIGNhd-UK)
- E-P 026: The relationship between LVEF and renal function, blood pressure, albumin, hemoglobin in CKD patients
- E-P 027: Monitoring vascular access with indirect methods
- E-P 028: Usefulness of Stress Qb Test in vascular access surveillance.Results of a hemodialysis center
- E-P 030: The use of an ultra-sound by nurses in Hemodialysis Unit: Benefits and Limitations
- E-P 031: Patient Safety Culture in a Hemodialysis clinic
- E-P 032: How to re-incorporate nursing documentation in a new complex electronic healthcare recording system
- E-P 033: Factors influencing postural balance in haemodialysis patients
- E-P 034: A review of comprehensive discharge planning to patients with new onset diabetes after transplantation
- E-P 035: Multidisciplinary treatment of a calciphylaxis injury
- E-P 036: Benefits of Kidney transplant in frailty patient
- E-P 037: FMEA- small act can save - or cost - a life
- E-P 038: Nursing interventions to prevent infections in Peritoneal Dialysis patients – literature review
- E-P 042: Education and training: impact of phosphate binders compliance
- E-P 043: Using the spiral curriculum model to improve record keeping in satellite haemodialysis units
- E-P 045: Applying strategy to promote, support and monitor improvements in hand hygiene compliance in haemodialysis
- E-P 046: Education and Decision Support for Unplanned Start Patient
- E-P 047: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Patient Education Methods
- E-P 048: Development of a patient education system in our dialysis clinic
- E-P 050: Where do you perform your CAPD exchange?
- E-P 051: The dependence of compliance on the cognitive functions of patients on chronic haemodialysis.
- E-P 052: Prevalence of obesity and evaluation of adequacy among this population during last 5 years
- E-P 053: Synthetic vascular graft an alternative to arteriovenous fistula
- E-P 054: The challenging journey of pregnancy and dialysis: Challenge for patient and staff
- E-P 055: "Give light and people will find the way-" spiritual support for dialysis patients .
- E-P 056: Centered Approach- Dialysis Patient to Type 1 diabetes with eating disorders, anxiety and depression.
- E-P 060: Comparison of self-care ability and life satisfaction of patients receving dialysis and healthy individuals
- E-P 061: Choosing a treatment for kidney failure
- E-P 062: Change in compliance in a pregnant patient on chronic dialysis program. A case report
- E-P 064: Role of blood pressure monitoring to determine optimal body weight of hyperhydrated acute patients
- E-P 065: Why and how often need hospital based hemodialysis session the home hemodialysis patients?
- E-P 067: Analysis of lethal outcomes in patients on RRT and the identification of risk factors.
- E-P 072: A kitchen „renal dietary” course for chronic kidney disease patients and quality nutrition support
- E-P 073: Human resource management of renal nursing staff: The case study of Northern Greece
- E-P 074: Fibromuscular displasia - case report
- E-P 075: Treatment of West Nile Fever virus infection by plasmapheresis
- E-P 076: Haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis from nursing aspect. Difficulties and differences due to experience
- E-P 077: Successful treatment of hyperlipidemia with plasmapheresis - case report
- E-P 078: Dramatic and symptomatic decline in renal function – rapid start peritoneal dialysis (PD) ?
- E-P 079: Anthropoplicometric measurements in peritoneal dialysis patients
- E-P 080: The Effect of Peritoneal Dialysis on Balance and Falling Risk
- E-P 082: Patients with high body mass index in peritoneal dialysis program
- E-P 083: Does The Fast Peritoneal Equilibration Test Replace The Standart Peritoneal Equilibration Test?
- E-P 084: Nephrological nurses and occupational exposure - how? when? why?
- E-P 085: Quality Management System in a Haemodialysis unit and patient satisfaction
- E-P 086: Less is more - quality improvement through simplification
- E-P 087: Introducing a Falls Risk Assessment Tool within the Satellite Haemodialysis Unit Setting
- E-P 088: Improving correct hand hygiene compliance in dialysis unit
- E-P 091: Smart software application used in dialysis clinics – Workforce Management
- E-P 092: Travelling and Haemodialysis
- E-P 093: Is dialysis adequacy the determinant factor for the successful assessment of a treatment?
- E-P 094: The conscious decision of haemodialysis discontinuation in elderly and the nurse's aspect
- E-P 095: National transplant program in Montenegro
- E-P 096: Kidney transplant -a case study and dilemmas -What is right and what is wrong?
- E-P 097: Assessment of health-related quality of life in kidney transplant recipients vs dialysis patients
- E-P 098: Dental care in dialysis and transplant patients
- E-P 099: From the creation to full performances of new AVF, our experience
- E-P 101: Assessment of the knowledge hemodialysis patients have ofthe arteriovenous fistula and its care
- E-P 102: Applying of rope ladder puncture technique in our dialysis network
- E-P 103: Comparison of self-care ability and life satisfaction in patients receiving dialysis
- E-P 104: The Journey Home: Growing a home hemodialysis program while fostering professional relationships