About us in Israel
Grimberg Zoyagermangrim@gmail.com
My name is Grimberg Zoya I am a proud to be Brand Ambassador of EDTNA/ERCA in Israel. Together we strive for sharing our experiences and knowledge in Nephrology nursing.
For more information, please contact Grimberg Zoya, Brand Ambassador Israel.
Israeli National Conference 20-22/10/2022
The annual conference for the Israel Nephrology Nurses Association took place from 20/10/20224-22/10/2022 in the David Hotel by the Dead Sea, Israel. 200 nurses from nephrology departments, dialysis (peritoneal and hemo) units and pediatric nephrology clinics participated in the conference. The theme was quality management and safety.Zoya Grimberg, as the Brand Ambassador for Israel, presented on the EDTNA/ERCA during the conference. The main topics of the presentation were the 50th Anniversary of the EDTNA/ERCA, the conference in Rotterdam and new publications that were launched during the conference. She explained about the new membership fees and highlighted membership benefits, which include free access to all publication and webinars. She also presented about the RenalPro discussion forum and more than 40 new members expressed interest in joining the forum.
Zoya talked about the sustainable approach of the EDTNA/ERCA and invited the nephrology nurses to follow the green initiatives of the Association and visit the webpage of the EDTNA/ERCA site and download the guidelines on Green Excellence in dialysis, to be used during daily practices in dialysis units.

Celebrations of International Nursing day in Israel

It was a great opportunity to celebrate and thank our colleagues.