About us in Italy
Silvia Corti

Welcome to us at EDTNA/ERCA in Italy. My name is Silvia Corti and I am a proud Brand Ambassador.

"I am the BA for Italy, and I've been working in Hemodialysis unit since many years for the Public Healthcare System of my country. I am specialized in vascular access monitoring and evaluation through ultrasound as well as eco-friendly aspects and innovations about HD. I appreciate the connection with healthcare professionals that EDTNA/ERCA allows and strongly look for exchange opportunities!"

For more information, please contact Silvia Corti, Brand Ambassador Italy.
ANTE Congress
The Italian BA Silvia Corti represented EDTNA/ERCA at the ANTE national congress (ANTE = Italian National Association of Hemodialysis Technitians).
The main topics were mostly "technical", as the association main issue is to promote to the stakeholders and Italian Governement the "hemodialysis technitian" professional role. The Executive Commetee asked for EDTNA/ERCA collaboration for future shared projects. All the collegues and brands representatives were very friendly, here are some pictures I want to share with you all.
Report about grafts testing in Eindhoven, Netherland
Xeltis are a company who produce grafts and prosthetic parts. To test the efficiency of it, Xeltis asked a few hemodialysis nurses to perform a "stress test" on a new hemodialysis graft under study at the moment. The graft is made from a biodegradable polymer which dissolves over time and creates a new, long-term living vessel. This has the potential to minimise complications and infections (link for the study protocol: https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04898153).

The test I performed was a simulation of 5 years of cannulations on the graft implanted on models, so I did 6330 cannulations in a working-day (it's been suitably called "fatigue" test!) ... Despite the tiresome day, and a bit of pain on my hand and wrist, the test was strictly run and the graft passed the 'fatigue test'. The people of Xeltis were generous with their time, showing and sharing with me their efforts and organization, and the high-tech lab where the grafts are assembled. I wish this company all the best in business and progress, as they not only created new products to improve our patients' lives, but they demonstrated to be interested on the professionals that will make use of those products. In this case, nurses!

Silvia Corti, BA Italy
45 years in Hemodialysis (no transplant in between)-report from dialysis ward Silvia Corti , Arezzo Hospital "San Donato", Hemodialysis - Azienda Asl Sudest Toscana – ITALY Italy
In February, we celebrated our patient, Bruno. He has been on Hemodialysis for 45 years, with no interruptions and no transplant during this whole time. He is a great guy, always brilliant and smart, every day with a new joke to tell or a piece of news to share despite the life challenges and health issues he faced. He has always been supportive towards the nursing team, inspiring us, pushing us to improve our professional skills and culture. I personally I have learnt a lot from him. Thanks Bruno!"

Here's the link to the local tv website:

Photo with the head-doctor (Dr. Paolo Conti) and head-nurse (Sandra Sacchetti) of our team (Arezzo Hospital "San Donato", Hemodialysis - Azienda Asl Sudest Toscana - ITALY)
Insights into the use of ultrasound in managing the vascular access for Hemodialysis
February 14th, 2021
37th Italian National Conference of the Nephrology Nurses Society
Riccione 6th – 8th May 2019
Conference Theme: Evaluate The Outcomes To Acknowledge Competency
These are some of the activities from the EDTNA/ERCA Italian Branch.
  • Meeting in August the 5th, to plan the next EDTNA/ERCA Italian Conference which will take place in May 2015.
  • Meeting held in Bologna, in September the 26th, to start an EDTNA/ERCA new project regarding Nursing scientific research: a research Board consisting in one Chief Board and ten nurses working in renal units all over Italy and enrolled according specific skills. This project is supported by EDTNA/ERCA Italian Branch.
  • Workshop held in October about the “Monitoring Methods in Practice Care” which took place in Milan.
  • Workshop held in Verona, in November the 15th regarding “the complexity care model: a thorough assessment of haemodialysis patients”.
  • Workshop held in Teramo, in November the 29th about “Nursing Renal Ultrasound Scan Employed in Vascular Access”.
  • Workshop to be held in Bologna in December the 13th about the “Methodology of Nursing Scientific Research”, only addressed to the research nursing team.
Italian EDTNA/ERCA members always keep in touch with themselves through their website, through e-mail and by arranging conference calls from time to time, to debate about the most important matters, such as the yearly National EDTNA/ERCA Conference.